Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Real History of Christianity

The Real History of Christianity

Are you a Catholic or you belong to many  Protestant  denominations such as the Baptist Church, Presbyterian Church, Methodist Church a Pentecostal and thousands more, in fact according to World Christian Encyclopedia there are over 33,820 separate Christian Denominations all over the world , over half of them are independent Churches that are not interested in linking with the big denominations.  However are all these various Churches are the work of our Lord Jesus Christ and even of the Apostles?

Did Jesus Christ established a church? And if so, how many?

Let's find out who established the Church?

Matthew 16:18 And I also say to you, That you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my  church; and the gates of hell shall not  prevail against it.

So it is clear, that Christ said: "I will build My Church", so it is no other than Jesus Christ Himself who established  the Church.

When did the Lord Jesus Christ established His Church?

Luke 12:32 Fear not, little flock; for it is your  Father’s good pleasure to give you the  kingdom.        
The Lord Jesus Christ was speaking to the little flock.

What is meant by the term flock used by the Lord Jesus Christ?       

We will ask the Bible again for the answers and this time from the Apostles.

"Take heed therefore to yourselves,  and to all the flock, over the which the  Holy Spirit has appointed you overseers, to  feed the Church of Christ, which he has purchased with his blood."
Acts 20:28 ( Lamsa Translation)

So, the flock is the Church of Christ, and this is conclusive proof that Jesus Christ  established only one Church when he was still on earth and it was named after him, the Church of Christ.

When we say one Church, what exactly does that mean?

Colossians 1:18
And he is the head of the body, the  church...
according to the Bible the church is the body.

How did apostle Paul describes the Body or the Church?

Ephesians  4 :4 - 6

"There is one body, and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your  calling; 
One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 
One God and Father of all, who  is  above all, and through all, and in you all.  "

The characteristics of the Church was identified by apostle Paul he said that there is one body or one Church and in that one Church or one body which is Christ himself is the head  the members only have one hope, they only have one Lord Jesus Christ and they have only one faith or one set of doctrines and this doctrines are the doctrines that were taught to them by our Lord Jesus Christ and preach by the Apostles, and do you also noticed one of the teachings and beliefs that they possess is they possessed to believe in the one God who is non other than the Father, and so to teach other than what Christ and the Apostles taught would disqualify any Church or any group from calling themselves true.

And so, the true Church established by Christ is completely united in everything they do especially their teachings, but is this the case with all the different Church denominations we see today?

We learned that Christ established only one Church, the Church of Christ. And so, Who else teach that Christ established only one Church?

Why don't we go to the other authorities of other religious group, let's say for example the Catholics, the Catholic Priest also affirmed that Christ established a Church, and according to them as well, what is the name of this Church?

According to a priest on a book entitled Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma , p. 274 by Dr. Ludwig Ott]

"In regard to Matthew 16:18 Saint Cyprian speaks of the building of Christ of the Church of Christ and designates the Church of Christ and the Bride of Christ."
How about Protestants ,do they also affirmed that Christ built a Church and according to them too, what is the name of this Church?                        

from a book entitled [ Knowing the Doctrines of the Bible by Myer Pearlman on p. 349 ]

"Christ prophesied the establishment of a new Congregation or Church, a holy institution that will continue His works in the world. Mathew 16:18. This is the Church of Chist.

Did you noticed that there is a common knowledge among Catholic authorities and even Protestant preachers, and that is Jesus Christ established only one Church which is the Church of Christ

Now, here is an important question that needs and begging for answer, if Jesus Christ established or built only one Church why then do we find  so many  different churches existing today, shouldn't we all belong to only one true Church? Did Christ authorized the establishment of different churches with different names and practices etc.. Absolutely not, you cannot read that anywhere in the Bible.

And so,what happened to the Church established by Jesus Christ on the first century?
To find out what really happens to the Church we must dig up the past,but sometimes when you dig up the past you might not like what you find, but we need to exposed the truth because many people want to know it and we need to know it.

What did the Lord Christ forewarned to His disciples or the members of the Church of Christ?

Matthew 24:11 And many false prophets will arise,  and lead many astray.

Jesus Christ warned that
many of them or the members of the Church will be led astray by false prophets.

Where would this false prophets come from?

This time were gonna read what apostle Paul warns to the disciples.

Acts 20:30
" The time will come when some men from your own group will tell lies to lead the believers away after them"

Here now is the warning of Apostle Paul and he reiterated the warning of our Lord Jesus Christ to the members of the Church. Apostle Paul warned them that there would be men from their own group or within the Church that would tell lies to lead the believers away after them.

Who else warned about the false prophets?

2 Pet.2:1
" False prophets appears in the past among the people and in the same way false teachers will appear among you they would bring in destructive on true doctrines and will deny the master who redeem them and so they would bring upon themselves sudden destruction"

Apostle Peter not only confirmed  what Christ and Apostle Paul's warning, he also mentioned what lies would be told, he said that false prophets would bring in destructive on true doctrines.

Did the apostle also identified some of the false teachings to be taught by the false prophets to lead the members of the Church of Christ astray?

1 Timothy 4:1,3
"1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that  in the latter times some shall depart from  the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits,  and doctrines of devils; 
3 Forbidding to marry,  and commanding  to abstain from meats, which God hath  created to be received with thanksgiving  of them which believe and know the truth.  "

Apostle Paul tells us that in the latter times or in the future some would depart from the faith, because they would give heed  to or listen to false doctrines which he identified as doctrines of the devil. He also mentioned two of this doctrines ; forbidding to marry and the other one would be commanded to abstain from eating meats.

This is not aimed in attacking others, it is however the goal to expose what is false and reveal  also what is true.
So were gonna read the bible and let the evidence lead us in whatever directions is necessary.

Where such doctrines ever taught? and  who teaches them?

"The discipline of the Church has been exerted from the beginning in prohibiting Priests to marry after their ordination."
Written by Gibbon on p. 328)

So we can find within the Catholic Church one of the doctrines mentioned by apostle Paul on 1 Tim. 4:1,3. It is the teaching in prohibiting Priest to marry after their ordination.

How about the other doctrine mentioned by apostle Paul, that is to abstain from flesh meat ? Who also possesses that doctrine?

"What does the second commandment of the Church order us to do?
It orders us to fast and to abstain from flesh meat on certain days of the year."
[Manual of Christian Doctrine: Comprising Dogma, Moral , and Worship.
by A Seminary Professor p.317]        
So it is up to you if you will accept what Jesus Christ and the apostles warned us about , and what history proves really happen.

We learned that false prophets would rise from within the church itself and teach the members false teaching thus leading them away from the true faith or the true teachings of Christ and the apostles.

Now , we have to find out what happen to the other members of the church who did not allow themselves to be deceived by the false prophets. Lets continue with the warning of Apostle Paul to the members of the Church of Christ.

And this is what Apostles says:

Acts 20:29
" I know that after I leave, fierce wolves will come in among you, and will not spare the flock.

He warned about Fierce wolves will not spare the flock.

What is meant that the flock will not be spared?

Matthew 24:9
"Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name's sake."

Christ warned His disciples that they would be killed.

Who are this fierce wolves that will put to death the true disciples of Christ or the members of the Church of Christ?

Ezekiel 22:27
"The government officials are like wolves tearing apart the animals they have killed they commit murder in order to get rich"

The government officials are likened to wolves.

Who else are likened to fierce wolves?

Matthew 7:15
" Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves."

Not only the government officials are likened to fierce wolves, also the false prophets are likened to fierce wolves or ravenous wolves and they would kill the members of the Church.

And so, when would the false prophets rise up and deceived the members through false teachings and  when will the members would also be killed?

Lets go back to Acts 20:29;25

" For I know this that after my departure, savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.
And indeed, now I know that you all, among whom I gave gone preaching the kingdom of God, will see my face no more."

When apostle Paul was teaching the members about what would happen to them at the hand of those who would deceived them through false teachings as well as telling them that the flock would not be spared  or they would be killed, he also mention when this would happen, he said: "after my departure" the time when the members would no longer see his face.

What departure was Apostle Paul really referring to?
We'll ask him and let him answer.

2 Timothy 4:6
"From henceforth I am ready to die, and the time of my departure is at hand."

Apostle Paul when he mentioned about his departure which is the time, when the flock would not be spared also people would rise up and teach the members false teachings to deceive them or lead them away from the true faith, that departure that apostle Paul was referring to was his death.

What exactly happen to the Christians after apostle Paul and the other Apostles died?

After the death of the apostle a great work of inequity began to take place, many members of the first christian Church of Christ would deceived by false prophets and those members will not deceive by false prophets were killed.

And this killing of the members would start with the government officials himself and time came when the the false prophets also put people to death ,and so eventually the Church that Christ established in the first century or the Church of Christ did not continue as a true organization, many of the member were led away from true faith and the false teachings of Christ the others were killed.
And what remain to the organization was not the Christ established, the Church did not remain faithful to its founder, the faithful would put people to death, while the faith of the unfaithful died. And this proven by history , so let go back to what Christ forewarned us about in Mathew 24:11 and the Apostles warned us in Acts 20:30 ;  2 Peter 2:1 about the false prophets rising up from within the Church and teaching false doctrines to the members, did this actually happened.

Let us read an excerpt from a book entitled The Church in History by B.K Kulper

"The apostolic age came to a close  around the year 100. The apostles were followed by the Apostolic Fathers. From their writings we can see that the sign of deterioration disturbing the Church. In the course of the next four hundred years that deterioration increased steadily.
...right doctrine is important. Wrong doctrine will hurt the Church. The Church cannot live with false doctrine.

So the last half of the second century was a time of tremendous crisis for the Church."

In this book , it is said that after the time of the Apostle there was a deterioration within the Church itself by means of false doctrines entering into the Church.

Another book entitled : Undersanding the New Testament by Howard Clark Lee, Franklin d & Karlfried Froahlich

" Again the danger has arisen from within the Church.
The false teachers was originally members of the Christian Church community were they lived unnoticed until by their open separation... they revealed their true identity.They are false prophets (4:11) antichrist".(2:18)

So , we can noticed that what the Apostles and our Lord Jesus Christ mentioned was confirmed by these history book.
What is  another book that tells us what happened to the Church that Christ established in the first century? Let us read from Halley's Bible Handbook on page  760 & 761;

"The Imperial Church of the 4th and 5th centuries had become an entirely different institution from the persecuted Church of the first three centuries .

In its ambition to rule it lost and forgot the spirit of Christ.

Worship, at first very simple, was developed into elaborate, stately, imposing ceremonies having all the outward splendor that had belong to heathen temples.

Ministers became Priests. The term ,"priest" was not applied to Christian ministers before A.D. 200. It was borrowed from the Jewish system, and from the example of heathen priesthood.

Leo I (440-461 A.D.) prohibited priest from marrying, and Celibacy of priest became a law of the Roman Church."

There you have it , history confirms the pronouncements of Christ and  the Apostles that there would arise from within the Church those who would introduce false teachings to the first Christians.

What about the other warning of Christ and the Apostles concerning the the fierce wolves  not sparing the flock  or killing the members of the Church, the fierce wolves mentioned according to the bible is the government officials as well as the false prophets.

Let go back to Halley's Bible Handbook, let us continue reading on  page 761 to 762 ;


Domitian instituted a persecution against Christians. It was short,  but extremely violent. Many thousands were slain....


christian were not sought ,but when accused were punished.


... he encourage persecution of christians. It was cruel and barbarous, the severest since Nero. Many thousands were beheaded or thrown to wild beasts....


This persecution was very severe...


Resolutely determined to exterminate Christianity.

A.D. 253-269 Roman Emperor

More severe than Decius: he aimed at the utter destruction of Christianity. Many leaders were executed...


The last Imperial persecution,  and the most severe, coextensive with the  empire. For ten years Christians were hunted in cave and forest; they were burned, thrown to wild beasts,put  to death by every torture cruelty could device.

As you can see history proves that what Christ and the apostles prophesized that the members would be killed actually happened, did it happened at the hands of  the government officials? Absolutely, yes because those who mentioned by the history book was the various emperors of the Roman Empire with the goal of exterminating  Christianity during their particular time. And how about what Christ and the apostles forewarned concerning false prophets also likened to fierce wolves who would also kill.

So let's read now a book written by John A. Obrien

The truth about the Inquisition, on page 49;

" The first law of history," declared Pope Leon XIII as we mentioned previously. ,"is to assert nothing  and to have no fear of telling the truth."
In conformity of that wise principle, we frankly acknowledge the responsibility of the Popes in the use of torture and in the burning of thousands of heretics at the stake. Their sanctioning of such cruel and brutal measure is unquestionably one of the blackest stains on the record of the Holy Office and will remain to the end of time a cause of obliguy and shame upon the papacy. Even when it is frankly conceded as it must be , that their intentions were good and their solicitude was for the welfare of the victim's soul.
let it still be affirmed that the cruel and inhuman methods used are beyond all defence.
Th Church cannot escape responsibility for the use if torture nor for the burning of victims at the stake.

The church in the person of her pontiffs was responsible for the use of torture ,; this cruel practice was introduced by Innocent IV in 1252.

The pontiffs tries to defend the use of torture by classifying  heretics with thieves and murderers : a mere comparison is his only argument.

This law of Innocent IV was renewed and confirmed by Alexander IV on November 30, 1259 and by Clement IV on November 3, 1265.

Neither can the Church escape responsibility for sending heretics to be burnt to death at the stake.

The mere subterfuge of having the victim turned over to the secular arm cannot hide the fact that the popes repeatedly insisted under pain of excommunication and interdict upon rulers enforcing the death penalties against heretics.

We just trying to show you exactly what happen, the killings  according to the book did not end with what the Roman emperors did but it continued with the Popes at the forefront.

And so there you have it, that the Lord Jesus Christ and his apostles warned about , it really happened.

This apostasy or turning away from the true faith did not happen all at one time, it was gradual, the killing of Christians also happened over a period of time even simultaneously with the introductions  of the false teachings to the members of the Church.

And so it is so easy to deduced from the bible and history, that  there came a time when the one true Church of Christ ceased to exist as a true organization.
But when exactly did this occur and how many of the original doctrines were change?

Our topic is the real history of Christianity ,and earlier we have learned when did the killings  of Christianity took place , this following also took place, when we look in history at around

110 A.D. Ignatius and  bishops of Antioch  applied the name Catholic to the Church.

At the beginning  of the 2nd Century with  the death of the apostles , the Bishops began teaching that Christ is God.

In the same period they began teaching veneration of relics of the saints .

now, by the fourth century the Celibacy of the Priesthood was also being enforced.

The doctrine of the Trinity became fully established with the elimination of all opposition, so that by the six century people was forced to accept it. By then worship of images was also wide spread and as the proclamation of the Catholic Church as the state religion of the Roman Empire, all other religion were banned inflicting bloody  persecution against all who would resist it.

Take note that we were not able to cover every single detail on what happened to the Church established by Christ , but we believe  that you get the point by now, and to put it bluntly it goes like this, The true Church of Christ that He Himself established in the first century, eventually turned into the Catholic Church, although there were still an organization it was no longer true because the teachings had changed .

This is not religion or Catholic bashing this is truth telling because the truth is what people today really needs.

The great warnings of Christ and his apostles gave concerning the apostasy of the Church or that the Church would  abandoned the true faith was fulfilled, the fulfillment of this apostasy was the Catholic Church.  The Catholic Church gives us the proof that it is a product of apostasy and the  proof is in her teachings .

Now so that we can clearly see the truth, let us define first the term Apostasy.

From the World English dictionary ;

Abandonment of ones religion or faith, party, a cause, etc.

So apostasy is an abandonment of ones religion or faith and in the case of our study it would be to abandon the true teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Apostles and the Church of Christ established by our Lord Jesus Christ in the first century. Now this was actually mentioned by Henry H. Halley in his Bible Handbook on page 760;

" The imperial Church of the 4th and 5th centuries ad become an entirely different institution from the persecuted church of the first three centuries.

In its ambition to rule, it lost and forgot the spirit of Christ.

Do you noticed that what was mentioned about the Church after the time of the apostles was that the Church had become an entirely different institution. And so What happened to the Church ? Again were going read from Halley's Bible Handbook still on p.760;

"The Church had change its nature, had entered its Great Apostasy..."

and so, the church had entered to a great Apostasy,

Now as the Catholic Church, although it traces its history back to the early years ,it could not be identified with the Church established by our Lord Christ in the first century, it also cannot be identified with the teachings of the Apostles.

Who else teaches this about the apostasy of the Catholic Church? Let's find out, and you will be shock to learn that the Catholic readily admits to this fact.

In a Catholic book entitled The Spirit of Catholicism written by Karl Adam on p.2;

" We Catholic acknowledged readily, without any shame,nay with pride, that Catholicism cannot be identified simply and wholly with primitive Christianity, nor even with the gospel  of Christ in the same way that the great oak cannot be identified with the tiny acorn.

According to the book , Catholicism cannot be identified with Christianity of the first century or with the Gospel of Christ, what's even  more shocking is that they are proud of it, it doesn't matter to them if they abandon the true faith and the teachings of Christ. Now as the Catholic Priest themselves believe, what is the reason the Roman Catholic Church can't hardly be identified with primitive Christianity and the Gospel of Christ?

In the same book on pages 50 & 57 this is what also stated :

" Without the Scriptures, " says Mohler, " the true form of the sayings of Jesus would have been
withheld from us..."

" Yet the Catholic does not derive his faith in Jesus from the Scriptures,"

".... I learn the complete Christ not from the Bible ..."

We have  noticed that the Catholic Church also admist that its members do not derive their faith from the Scriptures or from the Bible, in other words its teachings are not from the Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles because that is what we can find written in the Bible or the Holy Scriptures.  Now we can find many proofs of what we have just learned that the Catholic Church did not derive his teachings or the Catholic Church's teachings do not come from the Bible , for example the worshiping of Idols, praying for the dead, repetitious prayers and so many other things that the Catholic Church uphold are in direct violations of the commandments of God, teachings of Christ as well as the teachings if the Apostles. But is it the Catholic the only one?

However we are still not done yet with the real history of Christianity. What about all the other Churches that now exist, where did they come from?

Now to find out about the origin of the other Churches that exist today and there's so many, we need to first out about the difference between the Church established by Christ versus the false one and the false ones.
How did the apostle Paul refer to the Church established by the Lord Jesus Christ.

In 2 Corinthian 11:2 this is what Apostle Paul tell us:

For I am jealous over you with godly  jealousy: for I have betrothed you to one  husband, that I may present you as a  chaste virgin to Christ. "

As Apostle Paul is speaking to the members of the Church, to the Church as a whole, he refers to the Church as a chaste virgin  or in other words a pure woman. In the other hand, how does the Bible describe the false Church is it still the same like what the apostle Paul mentioned?

Revelation 17:1 Then one of the seven angels who had the
seven bowls came and talked with me, saying
to me,[ a ] “Come, I will show you the judgment
of the great harlot who sits on many waters

Revelation 17:5 And on her
forehead a name was written:

The Bible describes the false Church as a Harlot a bad woman or impure woman. It also mention that this woman which is really referring to a Church is seated upon many waters. What does this means?

Let us find out from the Bible the answers for the meaning of the waters where the Harlot was seated.

Revelation 17:15
Then he said to me, “The waters which you
saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples,
multitudes, nations, and tongues.

The Bible tells us that the water refers to where the harlot sits are peoples- all kind of people,Multitude- many people ,Nations - comprising different nations and Tongues or different languages in other words extending all over the world.

Is there a Religion or Church today that claims to be universal or extending all over the world?

Let us read from the book entitled Catholic Catechism on p. 146 :

" The word 'Catholic' means 'universal' extending all over the World.

So the word Catholic means universal , you can find Catholic all over the world , made up of people from different countries, continents and speaking different languages, in fact there are over a billion catholics worldwide.

It was also mentioned in the verse of the Bible that this false Church has a name, by what name is the Church turned away frpm Christ called?

Let's go back to Revelation 17:5,

Revelation 17:5 And on her
forehead a name was written:

According to Bible this Church has a name of Babylon, well what is refer to as Babylon?

In I Peter 5:13 in the footnote from the Douay-Rheims version of the Bible, we qouted this:

Babylon: Rome

A metaphor probably founded on Jewish usage.

Well what is refers to Babylon? It refers to Rome.

And now we need to find out which Church claims to be universal and bares the name of Rome, again were gonna read from the book Catholic Catechism on p. 146:

"The Church is called Roman Catholic because its chief ruler is the lawful bishop of Rome. "

So we have identified the first false Church, the Catholic Church, however there are so many Churches that exist today which are not Catholic, There are many various Protestant denominations, well what ties do they have with the Catholic Church and how tightly are they connected?

As we have read earlier on Revelation 17:1 the false Church refers to as a harlot and in verse 5 this harlot or a bad woman which refer to a Church is called the Mother of all Harlots, or in other words this woman or Church has offspring or children. Now what other Churches branch out from the Catholic Church?

Let us read an excerpt from a book entitled " Religion in the United States" written by Benson Y. Landis on p. 60 this is what is stated:

"The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States is one of the eighteen independent religious bodies that grew out of the Church of England as it expanded during the great  British discovery and commerce...

The principal characteristics of the Protestant Episcopal Church have thus been derived from the Church of England, which in 1534, after a long process of separation, became independent of the Roman Catholic Church. "

So what are the Churches that branch out from the Catholic Church, we have learned that the offspring is the Anglican Church or the Protestant Episcopal Church. 

What about the other protestant churches , from where did they originated?

From another excerpt from Colliers Encyclopedia ,Vol. 19, p. 432 :

During the Reformation the new form of Christianity Called Protestantism subdivided, almost as it appeared into four major branches...

The fragmentation of Protestantism was subsequently extended by doctrinal disputes within established groups and by claims of new revelation that necessitated the founding of new sects.  "

After the Reformation the Protestant Churches are subdivided into major branches. What are this major branches?

In history Protestantism encompasses numerous denominational groups, including Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists, Episcopalians (or Anglicanism), Presbyterians, Pentecostals and Evangelicals.

So as you can see the Catholic Church started to have even more offspring, which are the Protestant denominations ,groups and Churches. Do you know the extent of disunity and disharmony in Protestantism?

We are going to read an excerpt from a religious magazine published by The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, Illinois the magazine is Moody Monthly on their September 1984 issue on p.28

"With 20,800 denominations in the world, supplemented by more than 15,000 distinct parachurch agencies we have "something for everyone," the carnival midway of Christianity.

But the competition among these carnival booths is anything but amusing. "

Well in 1984, take note that were in 2015 now , but in 1984 there were more than 20,800 denominations of protestantism, thats a lot of offspring.

And because of this division in Protestantism, what have the Protestants themselves noticed?

On the same page of the same magazine this is what is  stated:

... todays churches bear little resemblance to the first century model.

So they say that todays churches or all various churches today bear little resemblance from the first century Church, Why? because remember that the Church of the first century that was built by Christ or the Church of Christ was only one, that is not what you see in Protestantism.

And so, what was admited by the Protestants?  In the same book same page:

"Division within the Church arose from unfaithfulness to Christ...

...has marred the body of Christ

So in this magazine they admits that divisions arose from unfaithfulness to Christ , the same as what the Catholic church did, they turn away from the teachings of Christ and even though that Protestants left the Catholic Church, it doesn't mean that they are qualified to be the true Church ,because they also uphold teachings that are against on the teachings of Christ one of these is division, because in the true Church there is unity and you can read that in Ephesians 4:4-6, but that's not what you find in Protestantism.

This truth may find hard to believe or to accept ,but the fact is a fact that the Bible as well as the history proves that the Catholic Church and the various churches that exist today are not the work of Christ nor of the Apostles. That the Church of Christ in the first century did not remain true and it became the Catholic Church which in turn gave birth to various Protestant churches today. And the Lord Jesus Christ Forewarned it, the Bible records it and history proves it.

And what will you do to this information?  This information is for you to know and so that you will be well informed about the real history of Christianity, which also tells you the history of the Church to which you may belong, then you can make correct decisions about  your spiritual future.

   Well the truth, it maybe painful at first, but whether you     accept it or not, whether we believe it or not ,the truth is something we all must face.

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1 comment:

  1. The Real History of Chistianity that is recorded in the Bible and proven by History.
